Book reviews contributed by participating librarians throughout the Santiago Library System

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Seed by Seed: The Legend and Legacy of John "Appleseed" Chapman, by Esme Raji Codell

Illustrated by Lynne Rae Perkins
Rating: Recommended
Greenwillow, 2012, $16.99
ISBN: 978-0061455155
Age/Grade Level:

This is a must-buy for any school or public library.  Gorgeously illustrated and written, this picture book explores the life of John Chapman ("Johnny Appleseed") by taking readers back in time to the start of his apple seed-planting movement.  Five of his philosophies are expounded upon: "Use what you have," "Share what you have," "Respect nature, "Try to make peace where there is war," and "You can reach your destination by taking small steps."  Different vignettes show how he lived by these philosophies and became an American hero.  The mixed media artwork, especially a two-page spread with intricate embroidery, adds to the luxe feel of the book, while a short apple pie recipe on the last page gives this simple biography plenty of flavor.

Reviewer: Rita Law, Children's Librarian, Fullerton Public Library