Book reviews contributed by participating librarians throughout the Santiago Library System

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Goldilocks and the Three Dinosaurs, by Mo Willems

Rating: Recommended
Balzer and Bray, 2012, $17.99
ISBN: 978-0062104182
Age/Grade Level:

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When has Mo Willems written anything bad?  Never, of course, and this retelling of the classic Goldilocks story is no exception.  It's darling and hilarious in that sly only-adults-know-how-funny-this-is way, while never failing to appeal to children.  In this boo, Papa Dinosaur, Mama Dinosaur, and a visiting dinosaur from Norway try to bait Goldilocks wiht chocolate pudding so that they can create the perfect "chocolate-filled-little-girl-bonbon."  But she wises up to the face that their lovely home's furniture is just too enormous to belong to bears and runs out the back door, leaving the dinosaurs hungry and disappointed.  There are two morals to the story that are pretty darned appropriate and funny.  Highly recommended for the witty writing and crayon-like illustrations that Mo Willems perfected in his pigeon books!

Reviewer:  Rita Law, Children's Librarian, Fullerton Public Library