Rating: Marginal
Houghton Mifflin, 2008, $17.00
ISBN: 978-0618889341
Age/Grade Level: 4-8
Age/Grade Level: 4-8
A twist on the "Three Little Pigs" story, the animals fear that the appetite of the ravenous wolf will soon devour the planet. They devise a plan, consisted of three different types of houses, culminating to the wolf trying to make it down the chimney of the brick house only to end up a fiery ball forever circling the earth. This is definitely an interesting concept, though I have several concerns: the cover shows three pigs lighting another animal with a match. I have a great apprehension about featuring this illustration on our library shelves. Also, I would recommend the story for the 6-8 age range, though it says age 4 would be appropriate, because the illustrations along with wolf's frightening habits may be unsuitable for children that young.
Reviewer: Monica Barrette, Orange Public Library