Rating: Very Good
Harper Tempest, 2006, $16.95
ISBN: 1-59643-112-1
Grade Level: 7th Grade and up
When hottie Adrian tranfers to her Canadian school, Gwen feels something immediately - a sense of foreboding. Visions begin appearing in her mind, and they all involve Adrian, death, and destruction. Something happens to Adrian when he's with Gwen, too - he can hear the thoughts of those areound him, but he feels especially close to Gwen. And when they're together - there are literally sparks. But will getting together make them more powerful or just cauase more destruction? Told in the alternating voices of Gwen and Adrian, Powers is a cut above the usual 'teen-angst,' and with the addition of supernatural elements, it is likely to grab an even wider audience. It's a fun and exhilarating ride, and the reader's sympathies change from chapter to chapter as more and more information is revealed. Jacobs has left room for a sequel, and depending on the success of this one, I think she'll deliver.
Reviewer: Chaunacey Dunklee - Fullerton Public Library