Book reviews contributed by participating librarians throughout the Santiago Library System

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Dear Miss Perfect: A Beast's Guide to Proper Behavoir by Sandra Dutton

Rating: Marginal
Houghton Mifflin, 2007, $16.00
ISBN: 978-0618677177
Age Level: 4-8 years

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Two things struck me before I even started reading the story: the different fonts are too light and hard to read, and illustrations are too pastel and do not add anything to the story. The story itself is cute often comical, and even has a great message about being polite. However, because it is a series of questioning letters and answers from Miss Perfect, there is no cohesive tale that runs throughout. Also, the ending is a bit depressing when we find out that Miss Perfect is lonely. Overall, the nature of the book alone almost guarantees that only girls would be interested, and without a real story here, even they may lose interest.

Reviewer: Monica Barrette, Orange Public Library