Book reviews contributed by participating librarians throughout the Santiago Library System

Thursday, July 19, 2007

United No More! Stories of the Civil War by Doreen Rappaport and Joan Verniero

Rating: Additional

HarperCollins, 2006
ISBN: 0060506008
Grade Level: 5th through 8th

Seven stories of the famous and the ordinary citizen, from both the North and the South, who became a part of the Civil War story. In "The Bread and Blood Riots," a group led by Mary Jackson takes to the streets to complain of the high prices for food and their inability to feed their starving familes. There is Farragut's accounting of the fierce battle of Mobile Bay, and the brave Union soldiers of the Massachusetts 54th colored infantry, and finally the moving story, "The Surrender: Ulysses S. Grant and Robert E. Lee."

The strength of these seven documented stories is found in the vey real and personal accounts of people and events from the North and the South during the Civil War.

Reviewer: Jane Yarbrough, Library Consultant